the last notebook

he takes his old wrinkled
and the black pen

and finds a
spot from which he can observe
the people
and write down what he
imagines to be their inner

It passes the time

and it takes away
attention from his own
inner conversations

It’s like a prescription drug
he has to take for the
rest of his life
and the twenty-nine bookshelves
filled with notebooks
he has at home stand as proof of that

But this will be
the last one,
he promises himself
as he closes the notebook and
walks up to the bridge

56 thoughts on “the last notebook

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  1. Please don’t let him jump. Let him have another stack of notebooks and
    as many pens as he wants! Another spare and beautiful poem.

    Liked by 5 people

    1. Don’t fret Gwen….He was just going up to the bridge for a breather…..wasn’t he Bogdan…maybe doing a bit of observing of people bridge walking…..lovers with arms around each other…..kiddies racing to see who gets to the other side first…..all offer inspirational inner talk…don’t fret Gwen…..Bogdan wouldn’t do anything mean like this…..

      Liked by 1 person

    1. Hmm… Maybe. But honestly, I think this will end up being another one of his failed attempts. He’s… quite notorious around the ER thanks to this penchant.
      So yeah, there’ll probably be more books… ( ′~‵ )

      Liked by 1 person

  2. I was looking for a blog about poetry, and for some reason, I accidentally found your blog and I could say that you’re such a good poet, your writing, your patterns, and strategies, use of words that create a beautiful picture in our minds, and how your creative and imaginative mind made an astonishing piece!

    Well, honestly I’ve read a lot of poems but not this one, yours are different when I say different I mean the choices of words and the smooth transition and the changing of the meaning. All is good!

    Additionally, I also love writing poems and reading others’ masterpieces to be inspired by them. I admired those poets who are not afraid to push their limits when it comes to writing because it makes them good poets.

    How I wish I could also write a wonderful poem like yours and while reading your poems I gain a lot of knowledge. Thank you for this! Continue writing!

    Liked by 2 people

  3. I was looking for a blog about poetry, and for some reason, I accidentally found your blog and I could say that you’re such a good poet, your writing, your patterns, and strategies, use of words that create a beautiful picture in our minds, and how your creative and imaginative mind made an astonishing piece!

    Well, honestly I’ve read a lot of poems but not this one, yours are different when I say different I mean the choices of words and the smooth transition and the changing of the meaning. All is good!

    Additionally, I also love writing poems and reading others’ masterpieces to be inspired by them. I admired those poets who are not afraid to push their limits when it comes to writing because it makes them good poets.

    How I wish I could also write a wonderful poem like yours and while reading your poems I gain a lot of knowledge. Thank you for this! Continue writing!

    Liked by 1 person

  4. When I read this poem I thought of a person who is exhausted by the ways of the world. When he writes, it is not to appease his inner critic, it is to soothe the pain he feels when he approaches that bridge so that he doesn’t make the easy jump out of life. This poem was very well written and accomplished all that poetry is meant to be! Thank you!

    Liked by 2 people

  5. The bridge is not the ending, it is the only way of continuing his life to another. He was tired to write other people’s stories and the bridge is the only way to make his own story written by the people, as he was remembered by his last notebook.

    Such a creative and imaginative way of writing. How you put your imagination in the sense that people would think that it is should be the ending but it is not. I really admired poets like you who are not scared to push their limits and explore things to create such a masterpiece like this. Thank you for this! Continue writing as I was inspired to write more than anything!

    Liked by 1 person

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